Saturday, August 20, 2005


Eudora Welty said, "Writers and travelers are mesmerized alike by knowing of their destinations. "

I understand what she says, but I'm not sure that I agree. I'm a traveler, and I am clueless about my destination. The child in me who yearns for safety would doubtless be gratified if I did, but kid, hang on. You're not alone in the ride, anymore.

I have a kind of a gestalt view of my place of arrival, but it's only a view of the whole, the gut feeling that I will arrive. The details have yet to be worked in. Sometimes that lack of certainty throws me into a panic. What if I choose wrongly? Pick too early? Wait too late? Or God forbid, make a mistake.

I try to then sit back, even if only figuratively. Relax. Gather the fragments which have begun to splinter out from residual fear and sink back into myself. Finally, at 43, I have gained a feeling that I am where I'm supposed to be. It started a few years ago, the knowledge that I was on the right path. After some detours and interruptions, I finally feel like I'm there. Not at the place where I'll end, but on that journey, the right one. I'm no longer wondering which train to hop, or worse yet, afraid that I missed the right one.

Destinations are good, but what I live for is the journey.


bhd said...

Beautifully said.

Joseph Gallo said...

The journey is the destination. As trite as that sounds, at 52 I'm finding it makes more and more sense.

I've added you to my favs, Anna, and I just want to congratulate you on having the courage to trust and believe. You are indeed brave.

Risking one's heart in love, even if to do so is to know the deep ache that love brings, is certainly better than smothering it in barbwire and placing mines around it. So good for you on that count as well.

You will do well. Keep writing, keep expressing, keep sharing it.

Alison said...

What BHD said.

Mermaid Melanie said...

whats interesting to me, outside of the fact that i am exactly the same, is that all journies lead to the same destination. And that each separate journey has its own serendipidous outcome. Still meshing with the ultimate journey.

are you confused yet?
Look forward to hearing your voice very soon!
