Thursday, January 26, 2006

Four Things Meme

Four Things Meme
I’ve been tagged by Hotski, and added in a category from Ali’s. Nothin’ but the best, here!

Four jobs I have had in my life:
Microfiche maker
Extraneous materials tester in a candy factory
Cafeteria line for a semester

Four movies I would watch over and over:
The Princess Bride
The Twilight Samurai
Can I count the entire Babylon 5 series as one?
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Four places I have lived:
The only Oblong (thank FSM)
Springfield, IL, home of the Simpsons and all things Lincoln
Delta House (not a sorority!)
Santa Monica

Four TV shows I love to watch:
I haven’t been watching much, but I guess I’d choose-
S-G1/Stargate/whatever it’s called
Battlestar Galactica
The Simpsons
The Daily Show

Four places I have been on vacation:
The Adirondacks and Saratoga Springs and Manhattan (same trip)
Germany and Rome (ditto)

Four websites I visit daily :
Radio Paradise
My emails....well, some of them, usually....
Google images (except for when I get behind, which is more than I’d like)

Four of my favorite foods:

fresh naan
Fresh pineapple
Anything made with someone I love
Kozy Shack chocolate pudding

Four places I would rather be right now:
1,060 miles away

(oh, ok- Pretty much anywhere in Europe, or in Costa Rica or Quebec. And 1,060 miles away.)

Four albums I can’t live without (at least for the moment):
The Garden State soundtrack
Fiona Apple’s Extraordinary Machine
Patty Griffin’s Impossible Dream
Cat Steven’s Greatest Hits

Four bloggers I am tagging:


newwavegurly said...

Well hell's bells, I didn't even KNOW you had a blog! So glad I followed the link I found on Ali's blog.

I shall bookmark you, and find my way back again soon.

An Urban Femme said...

Nice four albums!!

Alexandra said...

Anna's back! Anna's back! *runs wildly around the room like Mo*

edieraye said...

Better late than never? :)

.Michael Simon said...

nice four tv shows!

Anonymous said...
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