Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wuv. Twoo Wove.

Not much time, but I've been wanting to get back to this, so I'll start small.

I've been musing on love. True, unconditional love. Experiencing it, I've had to realize how mistrusting of men's ability to honestly experience it I'd become over the last three years. I was going to say, men's ability to sustain it, but isn't that the point of true love? The real, this-is-not-infatuation love. I suppose it's normal to project unease from previous relationships onto a later one, to some extent, but it's sure not fair for my sweetie to have to pay for the sins of lesser men, so I'll stop.

And thus leave myself wide open.

Imagine what it will be like to look back, twenty years later, smile and know that it truly has been real, finally.

Or is even saying this out loud a jinx?

*deep breath*

OK. Let go. You think this happens every day?


Alison said...

It doesn't happen every day, but when it does, it's spectacular.

David said...

yeah; that wide open thing can be scary.

Mermaid Melanie said...

oh... wide open huh? i dont find it so scary. but i like that feeling of falling.


Anna said...

It's not the falling that scares me so much, but more the kick in the gut. ;)