Friday, August 18, 2006

An Old Story....Updated

I began this entry with the intention of getting out my feelings of sadness over the moving of my youngest son to college. It would have been brilliant, no doubt, but luckily I got some RP love in the nick of time.

So, no moroseness. Maybe another time.



Anonymous said...

*hugs*...out the door with mine right now. Guess we'll let each other know what's going on eh?

Mermaid Melanie said...

yea thats it. save it for later. when you can add it on to a really good cry, and a pint of excellent ice cream.

miss you. HUGZ.

Erin said...

Anna's back! HOORAY!!! I've missed you! I'm happy to hear you've got a new love. Gave me a great big smile. :)

David said...

morose is so ten minutes ago.