Saturday, August 26, 2006


No, not what may have come to your mind at first (or is that only because I'm around teenagers so much?)

Over the last two years, I had gradually put on almost 25 pounds. The main reason, I believe, was to protect myself from the attention of those whose shallowness should lead them in other directions. I stopped my bike riding, I let go of my yoga, and I wasn't eating well. Yes, there was stress, etc., but by and large, it was to buffer myself.

I guess the need to do that has disappeared, because in the last three months I've lost fifteen pounds, mostly without trying. I haven't done it for anyone else, either. I feel so much better.

1 comment:

Mermaid Melanie said...

i have gained 20lbs since moving to SB. I have GOT to get back on the program.

congratulations :hug: