Saturday, August 26, 2006

Two in One Morning!

Some Food for Thought
I got this meme from Anica’s blog:

How do you like your eggs? Soft-boiled, with a very runny middle, spread out over a buttered piece of toast. (No, I don’t do it in public.)

How do you take your coffee/tea? Black and strong. I like lattes, but prefer the straight ones….espresso, no flavors. Tea, straight or with sugar.

Favorite breakfast food? A toasted bagel with cream cheese. And extra pulpy orange juice.

Peanut butter- Smooth or crunchy? Extra Crunchy.

What kind of dressing on your salad? Bleu Cheese.

You’re feeling lazy. What do you make? Grilled cheese, preferably with sliced tomato in it.

You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Leo’s stuffed crust, with mushroom and onion.

You feel like cooking. What do you make? I can’t pick any one thing. I like so many.

Do any foods bring back good memories? Turkish brings back the most wonderful, along with garlic mashed potatoes. And octopus.

Do any foods bring back bad memories? Probably.

Do any foods remind you of someone? Yes. Turkish, garlic mashed potatoes and octopus……. The Leo's pizza reminds me of my sons.

Is there a food you refuse to eat? Kidneys. I'll give haggis one more try. Maybe.

What was your favorite food as a child? My mom made the most wonderful fish in a white sauce, flavored with white wine, over rice. I still salivate at the thought of it.

Is there a food that you hated as a child but now love? Brussels sprouts.

Is there a food that you loved as a child but now hate? Nothing that stands out.

Favorite fruit & vegetable? Fresh ripe peaches and asparagus, I guess.

Favorite junk food? Hard to choose, I like so much. Cap’n Crunch. Twinkies. Snickers. Ben & Jerry’s Pistachio Pistachio. Pringles….. You see my dilemma.

Favorite between meal snack? To be healthy, I’ll forego the previous answers and say string cheese. It’s a life-saver.

Do you have any weird food habits? Hmmmm…..I can’t think of any.

You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? Grape tomatoes. String cheese. Fruit.

You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? Good bread. With Nutella. And a hot fudge sundae, with vanilla ice cream, bananas, almonds and whipped cream. And a rare steak, with garlic mashed potatoes. And lamb chops.

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? Mild to medium.

Can I get you a drink? Freshly-squeezed orange juice with peach schnapps, please. My very favorite, though, if I can only pick one, is a plain margarita, on the rocks, with lots of salt.

Red wine or white? Yes.

Favorite dessert? Lots of them.

The perfect nightcap? A kiss.


No, not what may have come to your mind at first (or is that only because I'm around teenagers so much?)

Over the last two years, I had gradually put on almost 25 pounds. The main reason, I believe, was to protect myself from the attention of those whose shallowness should lead them in other directions. I stopped my bike riding, I let go of my yoga, and I wasn't eating well. Yes, there was stress, etc., but by and large, it was to buffer myself.

I guess the need to do that has disappeared, because in the last three months I've lost fifteen pounds, mostly without trying. I haven't done it for anyone else, either. I feel so much better.

Friday, August 18, 2006

An Old Story....Updated

I began this entry with the intention of getting out my feelings of sadness over the moving of my youngest son to college. It would have been brilliant, no doubt, but luckily I got some RP love in the nick of time.

So, no moroseness. Maybe another time.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wuv. Twoo Wove.

Not much time, but I've been wanting to get back to this, so I'll start small.

I've been musing on love. True, unconditional love. Experiencing it, I've had to realize how mistrusting of men's ability to honestly experience it I'd become over the last three years. I was going to say, men's ability to sustain it, but isn't that the point of true love? The real, this-is-not-infatuation love. I suppose it's normal to project unease from previous relationships onto a later one, to some extent, but it's sure not fair for my sweetie to have to pay for the sins of lesser men, so I'll stop.

And thus leave myself wide open.

Imagine what it will be like to look back, twenty years later, smile and know that it truly has been real, finally.

Or is even saying this out loud a jinx?

*deep breath*

OK. Let go. You think this happens every day?