Sunday, October 30, 2005

7 Things Meme

Seven Things Meme.
I got this from the lovely Melanie.
It’s my first meme.

7 Things I Can Do:

1. Play piano and bassoon.
2. Camp.
3. Make the best chicken spaetzle soup you’ve ever had.
4. Make yoga accessible to a wide range of people.
5. Love unconditionally.
6. Jump into things. (It’s a talent.)
7. Give most excellent massages.
8. Laugh. (Yeah, I know.)

7 Things I Cannot Do:
1. Speak German or French fluently, dammit.
2. Rollerblade.
3. Kayak. (on my list for next summer)
4. Cook Thai. (yet)
5. Swim the way one is supposed to, with my head down in the water.
6. Hit people.
7. Follow rules. See above.

7 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:
1. Brains.
2. Good with words.
3. Able to communicate well in a relationship, because one of us should be able to.
4. Honest, with others and with himself.
5. Openly physically appreciative. I really like to be touched.
6. Likes to cook.
7. Good sense of humour.
8. A strong social conscience.
9. Warm.

7 Things That I Say Most Often:
1. Hang on.
2. And WHY are you in the left lane???!!!!
3. Thank you.
4. Yes, please.
5. OK
6. I guess.
7. I love that song!

7 Celebrity Crushes:
1. Tim Roth. (He was in this movie, where he played a prisoner who got out on work release. Totally fired my blood.)
2. Sean Bean.
3. Viggo Mortensen. (These last two were pre-LOTR. Do I have good taste, or what?)
4. Steve Earle’s voice.
5. Patrick Fitzgerald.

6. George Clooney is pretty sexy.
7. I could probably have some fun with Dave Matthews.

7 Things I Plan to do Before I Die:

1. Rent a villa in Tuscany with a group of friends.
2. Hold many, many parties and gatherings.
3. Have a gas stove and a great kitchen. Not fancy, just a usable one, with room for everyone to congregate and enjoy.
4. Spend more time in Morocco.
5. Speak German fluently. (French would be good, too.)
6. Spend weeks and weeks and weeks in Europe.
7. See my sons happy and comfortable in their lives.

7 People I Want to do This:

You. All of you.


Anica said...

I did this on my blog and I didn't mean to copy you or Melanie but it comes straight from the heart.

this is a great meme. thanks for sharing.


Mermaid Melanie said...

we both have Tim Roth on our list. that is a very unique thing. i would do just about anything with that man! strange huh? bet hes gay!


great lists anna. :hug:


Anna said...

You're welcome, Anica!

Melanie, lol. 'Bet he's gay.' You never do hear anything about him? 'Course, I'dont' read the mags, either.

Anonymous said...

Ya know? That number one thing makes me take a double take everytime I read it! *lol*...;-]

Michelle said...

Wow, we have a LOT in common!

That can be both cool and scary, too! *lol*



Anna said...

I think that's a very good thing, Michelle!
